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SNDP Yogam

Posted by SARADHI - ABBASIYA UNIT On 11:14


The S.N.D.P. Yogam was founded and registered by a group of enthusiasts headed by Dr. Palpu and Kumaran Asan' According to the biography of Narayana Guru written by Moorkoth Kumaran, the founding of the Yogam was on 15th May 1903 ( M. E. 1078 Dhanu 23) under Travancore Regulation 1 of 1063 (Indian Companies Act IV 1882).Its first General Secretary, Kumaran Asan, read out the constitution and byelaws of the S. N. D. P. Yogam to the Guru. 

SNDP Yogam Formed on 15th May 1903.
First President: Gurudevan
First General Secretary : Kumaran Asan
Type: Joint Stock Company

Objectives of the S.N.D.P Yogam

The main objectives of the organisation are:

1. Introduce Shri Narayana devotees to each other and spread teachings of Shri Narayana Guru

2. Help socially and economically weak in education

3. Work in cooperation with other organizations for the betterment of all.

4. Educate members about all religions.

5. Establish Temples and Schools.

6. Provide financial help to victims of disasters.

Organizational Structure of S.N.D.P yogam

SNDP Yogam has been divided into 4 formation and they are

1. Yogam (Top Level Body)

2. Union (Middle Level)

3. Sakhas (Lower level)

4. Kudumba unit.

Now a fifth tier is automatically evolving, ie.Self help groups(micro finance units)


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